Peter Rees, GUK, COO has been named as the 2000th member to the Security Institute

Peter Rees, GUK, COO has been named as the 2000th member to the Security Institute.

Peter said “I see membership of the Security Institute as a strategic advantage at this point in my career and look forward to meeting and interacting with my peers, in what is and will continue to be a demanding profession. The focus of the Institute on developing and nurturing talent chimes very much with my own view that a career in security can be hugely rewarding. Over half our senior managers at GUK have been promoted from within the company, having proved their worth and shown potential for promotion. I believe that this benefits, not only the individual, but also GUK. Having dedicated, hard-working staff has enabled me to steer their careers, allowing them to benefit from the many years of experience people like myself have. Membership of the leading professional body in the sector is a logical part of that development, for them and for me”.

Garry Evanson, Chairman of the Security Institute smiled broadly as he announced that the organisation had now crossed the 2000 member threshold. “In the past 18 months we have been recruiting at record levels and this reflects our strategic shift towards representing members of the profession at all stages of their career, not simply when they have reached the higher branches of the tree” he explained. “In the past I believe some people may have been deterred from seeking to join us because of the perception that we were in some way elitist and that one had to wait to be invited in order to become a member; that’s simply not the case, as this landmark achievement shows”

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