
FM out of Hours

GUK’s Out of Hours support keeps your buildings safe when you’re off-site.

Whatever the situation, be it managing an intruder alarm or other emergency matter, our control centre staff will act on behalf of your company to ensure the matter is resolved efficiently and in the best interests of your organisation.

We work closely with you to create a comprehensive portfolio of contacts, ranging from preferred contractors to emergency contacts, so you can leave your business each night knowing that whatever might happen out of hours will be dealt with before you return the next day.

Peace of mind out of hours

Our team of highly trained professionals operates around the clock, providing you with peace of mind through seamless communication and swift action.

With GUK’s Out of Hours support, your business is never truly alone; we monitor and manage incidents as they arise, coordinating with relevant parties to mitigate risks and minimise disruptions. By leveraging advanced technology and a proactive approach, we not only respond to emergencies but also anticipate potential issues, ensuring your operations remain smooth and secure.

Trust in our dedication to safeguarding your assets, so you can focus on what matters most—running your business successfully.

Get in touch to find out about
our mobile security services

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavour to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.