GUK represents award winning security

GUK’s Mo Islam was announced the winner of the “Corporate Award for UCLH Celebrating Excellence” at the award ceremony held in London last week. The Celebrating Excellence Awards acknowledges those that go above and beyond their call of duty to benefit others. This year saw the first time that an award has been made in this category, and represents a great honour to Mo and GUK alike, particularly as Mo was nominated by both UCLH staff and patients.

Mo joined the GUK team in 2008 and has been consistent in delivering the very highest standard of service in both a security and front of house capacity. Needless to say the award was befitting and Mo’s efforts are reflected in this phenomenal achievement.

Each year, University College London Hospitals invites patients, visitors, UCLH members and colleagues to nominate employees or teams that they believe to have exceeded both customer and/or organisation expectations. The Celebrating Excellence Awards recognises, rewards and thanks individuals whose dedication, enthusiasm and willingness aids in the delivery of patient care and fulfilment of the business’s vision. Hundreds of nominations were received for various UCLH team members who display an exemplary work ethic. To be shortlisted for such an award is an achievement in itself but to win marks an unparalleled result.

This years Celebrating Excellence Awards ceremony was held at the prestigious Landmark Hotel in London, and was hosted by Camden councillor Frank Dobson, former MP and Secretary of State for Health. Upon announcing Mo as the winner for ‘Outstanding Corporate Contribution’ Frank said the following of Mo:

“Mo is an outstanding colleague who shows great customer service in managing the reception area at 250 Euston Road. He is consistently and impeccably committed to giving everyone a good welcome and a wonderful example of the type of service leader that we wish visitors (be they public and patients) to see when they come to UCLH.”

Tom Hughes, Operations Manager at University College London Hospitals, also added “it was a great night and was made better when Mo won this prestigious award; he got the biggest standing ovation of the night!” Tom further agreed that the award “was well deserved and a great tribute to him and GUK”.

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