Covid-19: GUK Head Office Adapts to New Ways of Working

Here at GUK, our Head Office and operational commitments have continued throughout the coronavirus pandemic. The security and protection of our buildings whilst supporting our clients and staff has been our top priority. It has been essential for us to adapt quickly in an ever-changing environment. We’ve continued to provide security and service solutions for our portfolio with a rapid turnaround to ever-changing operational needs. While doing so, it’s been vital for us to protect the wellbeing of all our staff whilst adhering to emerging government guidelines.

Our Head Office staff have been working remotely where possible, with increased technical support to facilitate and trouble shoot where required. We’ve made sure all staff throughout the UK – from those shielding or isolating, to those placed on furlough are monitored and feel safe to come back to work where possible. There have been so many great examples of leadership and teamwork throughout our HQ. Staff have been required to perform dual roles, supporting busy departments in order to enhance our business offerings and mentor our wider teams.

During the full lockdown period of the pandemic, weekly updates were circulated throughout Head Office, not only highlighting important news but also recognising the excellent work carried out by our teams as we all adapted to our new ways of working. A snap shot of those individuals mentioned include, Lorraine, Jade, Kellann, Louise, Shaun, Kevin, Deborah, Peter E, Elizabeth, Daisy, Kobus and Nico. We are proud of every single member of our team, who have supported our site staff and clients so far throughout this pandemic.

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