What does great customer service look like for Security Guards?

Traditional front of house roles are most often associated with providing great customer service. After all, the concierge or receptionist is the first person you encounter when you enter a building, right?

Wrong – at least some of the time. Often, you’ve passed a security guard before you come across anyone else. You may not have even noticing them quietly holding the fort.

First and foremost, a security guard’s role is to protect – whether that’s property, people, or both. Nothing should compromise a security guard’s ability to offer protection, but customer service is inextricably woven into every guarding role. Why? Because both protection and service have great customer care at their heart.

3 ways to offer great customer service
Make a good first impression
As one of the first people that customers or members of the public come across, a security guard is the face of a brand or business – and first impressions count. A security guard is a position of trust, so being well-presented, greeting customers in a friendly way, and assisting when asked for help all add up to customer confidence and ultimately, a positive experience.

Be a hive of knowledge
Security guards are often the first people we go to when we have a query in day-to-day life, whether we’re asking for directions in a crowded train station, or just asking for help. Being ready to assist with general information about the building, giving directions, and escorting customers when it’s appropriate to all make the customer’s experience easier and more enjoyable.

Communicate effectively
Engaging with customers in a professional way not only improves the customer’s experience – it’s also a vital part of a security guard’s surveillance duties. These regular interactions allow security personnel to make themselves known to visitors and identify any suspicious behaviour, so good communication is key.

As any security guard knows, these day-to-day interactions aren’t always positive and may involve dealing with disgruntled or non-cooperative customers. Delivering great customer service means making a good first impression, sharing knowledge and communicating effectively regardless of the circumstances. Being capable of doing all three is the easiest way to recognise a truly great security guard.

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