GUK’s Reactive Solution to Fly-Tipping

Many areas of the country have experienced a sharp rise in fly-tipping over the past few months due to a reduction in waste disposal services during lockdown. It’s a common problem that can cost a company millions of pounds to resolve, so when a GUK client sought help we were quick to investigate.

We first surveyed the site to identify areas of risk, and were then able to propose a viable solution to the problem. Our recommendation was the installation of a Reconeyez HD video verification system. This high grade, battery-operated system is monitored 24/7 from GUK’s own ISO 27001 accredited monitoring station.

The client approved our proposal, and cameras were strategically placed throughout the site. We were able to capture high-resolution, date-stamped images of the repeat offenders at the scene. That meant our client had the evidence they needed for prosecution, as well as a strong deterrent for future fly-tippers.

fly tipping


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