Health and Safety: why accreditation matters

The health and safety of our employees is vital to GUK. We manage nearly 2,000 sites across the UK and employ around 800 staff members. Ensuring every single one of them can do their job in a safe environment means implementing robust health and safety procedures that get them home safely to their loved ones at the end of every working day or night.

We prioritise health and safety in lots of different ways, including mandatory and advanced safety training courses via our online platform, MyPathway. By equipping our teams with the skills and knowledge they need, and organising regular refresher training, we empower them to put their own safety first while they’re at work.

Prioritising health and safety in the workplace
Technology is another area that allows us to keep our receptionists and security guards safe while they’re working. Using centralised reporting systems, for example, allows us to keep everyone informed about any issues or concerns. And man-down technology linked to our helpdesk will raise an alarm if a lone worker is not responding as expected.

Of course, we don’t expect our clients to simply take our word for it when it comes to health and safety procedures – which is where external accreditation comes in. We’re extremely proud of our broad range of accreditations from leading industry bodies, including being a certified Safe Contractor – an accreditation we’ve held for many years.

Safe Contractor accreditation: why does it matter?
Being accredited by an independent body in this way gives our clients confidence that we can back up our health and safety procedures with externally accredited and reviewed systems. It also gives us peace of mind that our health and safety paperwork is compliant with legislation and stored securely in Safe Contractor’s portal.

Safe Contractor accreditation also gives GUK access to all the latest information about health and safety, allowing us to ensure we’re up-to-date and following the latest guidance on safe working practices. Clients can instantly identify us as an accredited and safe service provider, and our employees can be confident that we put their health and safety first.

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